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US map with links to tour dates by region

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Link to West Coast tour dates Link to Central tour dates Link to East Coast tour dates








West Coast Tour Dates
1/4 to 1/6
Seattle, WA/ Graceland
Life in Minor Chords, Dizzied Connections
1/11 to 1/13
San Francisco, CA/ Bottom of the Hill
Dizzied Connections
1/18 to 1/20
Monterey, CA/ The Long Bar
Life in Minor Chords, Dizzed Connections
2/8 to 2/10
Silverlake, CA/ Spaceland
Surface Suction
2/15 to 2/17
Arcata, CA/ Depot
Dizzied Connections
2/22 to 2/24
San Diego, CA/ Casbah
Surface Suction
3/8 to 3/10
Portland, OR/ Blackbird
Life in Minor Chords, Dizzied Connections
3/15 to 3/17
Monterey, CA/ The Long Bar

Surface Suction

3/22 to 3/24
Los Angles, CA/ Spaceland
Dizzied Connections
4/5 to 4/7
San Francisco, CA/ The Dance Hall
Surface Suction
4/12 to 4/14
Seattle, WA/ Graceland
Dizzied Connections


Central U.S. Tour Dates




1/4 to 1/6
Cleveland, OH/ Grog Shop
Surface Suction
1/11 to 1/13
Chicago, IL/ Abbey Pub
Surface Suction
2/8 to 2/10
Minneapolis, MN/ 9th Street Entry
Surface Suction
2/15 to 2/17
Iowa City, IA/ Gabe's Oasis
Surface Suction
2/22 to 2/24
Lawrence, KS/ Bottleneck
Surface Suction
3/15 to 3/17
Denton, TX/ Rubber Gloves
Surface Suction
3/22 to 3/24
Austin, TX/ Emo's
Surface Suction
4/12 to 4/14
Houston, TX/ Sidecar Pub
Surface Suction


East Coast Tour Dates




1/4 to 1/6
Alanta, Ga/ Echo Lounge
Sloth Child
1/11 to 1/13
Carbord, NC/ Room Four
Sloth Child
2/8 to 2/10
Baltimore, MD/ Ottobar
Sloth Child
2/15 to 2/17
Washington, DC/ Black Cat
Sloth Child
2/22 to 2/24
Philadelphia, PA/ Unitarian Church
Sloth Child
3/15 to 3/17
Cambridge, MA/ Middle East
Sloth Child
3/22 to 3/24
New York, NY/ Bowery Ballroom
Sloth Child
4/13 to 4/14
New York, NY/ Knitting Factory
Sloth Child