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News – HEY, look what they’re saying!!!

"Cosmatic perpetuates its legacy of being the best post-punk rock label out there." – BlackDogPrint

“Cosmatic has tapped into a vein of post-discord punk that just doesn't quit." – Optioned

"A serious indie rock force to contend with..." – Modern Hits


Our mission is to expose the world to exceptional indie music. Cosmatic promotes bands that we believe will change and infuse the planet with original, good music. Music feeds the soul; it unites, enlightens, and inspires. Music is power. We strive to create an environment that will nurture the growth of good music and the community it feeds, to channel our energy into the promotion of that music, and to help give the power back to the people.


Cosmatic is an independent record label that was started by Sara Lynn in 2000. We are located in Denton, Texas, just north of Dallas. Most of the groups affiliated with the label originated as part of the Denton music scene and have gone on to perform and release music internationally.


Sara Lynn

 Sara is the founder and president of Cosmatic Records. She has an MFA in music business from the University of North Texas. After completing her degree, Sara spent several years working for major record labels before leaving the system to start a venture of her own. Sara believes that a successful label/artist relationship can be based on mutual respect and trust, and she has decided to prove it!

Enya Allie

 Enya has been a part of Cosmatic from its inception. In addition to her sales and marketing expertise (provided through the SMU marketing program), Enya provides philosophical insight and a strong shoulder to lean on.

Mark Salza

 Mark is the referred to as the Cosmatic “muscle.” He is the regional marketing rep. He has managed to strong arm even the more elusive chains into carrying, and sometimes promoting, the bands we love so dearly.

Brian Lee

 Brian is part of our marketing department and, as resident Web expert, has recently acquired responsibility for creating a miracle Web site makeover. 

*** – At any given moment, there are also several interns at the Cosmatic offices who we love and appreciate and could not live without!!!